Friday, June 17, 2016

Nearly there!

Im hopefully starting treatment next week!!  Its a long protocol though so our first egg collection wont be until September!! But at least we are about to start!

So once we got the good news that the MRI was good and nothing needed to be removed, we were able to look at the next step, which was getting our Spanish prescription rewritten so we can get it on the Drugs Payment Scheme.  Its a scheme where you will only may at the max 144 in any month for your medication.  This would cost over 2k in Spain so it was somthing we  had to look into.

I called a chemist someone on a forum had suggest to see if they could help us or advise us what we needed to do and she was so lovely.  We emailed her over the prescription and she emailed back exactly what the GP needed to write on the prescription and explaining it all.  The relief! We met a GP yesterday as my own one is sick and she was more than happy to rewrite it!  Thank god!! I was waiting for the GP to say it was something she wouldnt /couldnt do but she was so lovely.

Fingers crossed this is the start of a successful treatment.  When my period starts next week, I take the pill for a month, and then the priming phase starts!  3 days after my period starts I have to have an ultrasound and some bloodtests and then for 3 days I take Letrozol.  From reading online - this is used to stimulate ovulation.  Then for 10 days in the middle of August I take the pill again. And then my period should come.

Then after this Im on the stimulation phase.  So that means an ultrasound and bloods one day, and the next day I take pergoveris non stop until I suppose Im in Spain before Egg Collection.  I have another ulstrasound and blood test 5 days after the 1st one and then we go to Spain.  We will be in Spain for about 10 days, having ultrasounds and bloods every 2nd day probably and after about 7 days I should be ready for collection.  Then we have 2 months off and hopefully start stimulation again in November for eggs to be collected Nov/early Dec and then we wait for the embryos to be tested.  Hopefully we will have a good number that pass and we can then plan transfer!


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